Ndumberi girls have a strong science department which deals with the affairs of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  The head of department oversees the welfare of the whole department assisted by two subject heads i.e head of Biology and head of Physics.

The department is committed to ensuring that the students do well in sciences since its known only too well that performance in sciences determines to a larger extent the overall mean grade of the students. Most of them take two sciences of which Chemistry is compulsory. However, in future it envisaged that they should be able to do all the three subjects if they so wish. The mean of the subjects has been on upward trend for the last five years.

The department has enough facilities i.e it has adequate subject teachers and where there is need, the board of management has employed some. The department also has two equipped laboratories where the students do individual practicals on regular basis, with an efficient lab technician. In addition to that the department has good textbook ratios where in some cases the ratio is 1:1.

The department has a functional and active science club with members cutting across all classes. The club holds meetings every other Thursday during lunch break. The club assists in organizing termly symposiums and when possible, weekly competitions. The club also participates in science and engineering fair and trade fair competitions.

In conclusion, the department really appreciates the support by the administration by motivating those who do well in the symposiums and final exams. The students are funded to go for academic trips one of which is a four day trip to Mombasa. This has really helped to improve on the attitude of the students towards science.

With all the above factors, there is no reason why the sciences should not top the list in performance in future. That’s the department’s vision.

Simon Waikwa
Head of Department