Vision:     An oasis of character development
Mission:     To empower clients, create self awareness, enhance self worth and
train on skills that would enable one to handle life’s challenges effectively and successfully

Core Values;  

  • Integrity
  • Confidentiality
  • Empathy
  • Genuineness
  • Unconditional positive regard

Ndumberi Girls Secondary School has a functional guidance and counseling department.
It is run by a committee that comprise of three members namely-;

  1. Mrs Gitau – HOD
  2. Mrs Kiragu
  3. Mrs Nyalwali

The main objective of the department is to give guidance mainly to the students and to other persons e.g parents, teachers, and also counsel all those that seek help is to be able to handle life’s challenges.

The main objectives include;

  • To empower students to be able to handle challenges in life
  • To provide professional support when students are faced with difficult issues e.g bereavement.
  • To give student information on matters of achieving success.
  • To develop special abilities and right attitudes.
  • To inspire to achieve excellence in their live encounter.
  • To help students understand themselves; know their strengths, interest, weaknesses, abilities and opportunities.
  • To assist the students in their career choices.
  • To help student overcome immediate problems and equip them to meet future challenges.
  • To enable the students develop coping skills to deal with those issues that cannot change.
  • To help them develop healthy interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships.
  • To shape students behaviour. This supports the school in dealing with indiscipline.

These objectives are achieved through preparing programmes which include;

  • Individual counselling – Facilitator  (G&C dept)
  • Class meetings – Facilitator  (class teacher)
  • Form meetings – Facilitator    (G&C dept)
  • Specific group e.g New comers – facilitator  (G&C dept)
  • Whole school- Facilitator  (G&C dept)
  • Parents meeting –    facilitator (school administration and G&C dept)
  • Teachers meetings – Facilitator (school administration and G&C dept)


There are clubs that enhance the operations of the department which include-;

  • Peer educators – Drawn from all classes and undergo training.
  • Sister-sister club – charged with the responsibility of taking care of the students who lack basic items e.g toiletries.
  • True Love waits – Deal with issues of sexuality and chastity.

A major tool used in this department is the family units. The students are divided into small group of about 20 students drawn from all the classes. These groups are given to the individual teacher who meets with his/her students and discuss important topics organized by the department.

This department plays a major role in the school in-;

  1. Monitoring discipline; because of the withdrawal of corporal punishment and ministry stressing on the dialogue, the department of guidance and counseling comes in handy.
  2. Academic excellence: if the students develop the right attitude and appreciate hard work the performance would greatly improve.

Objectives of the Family units

  • Bridge the gap between the students and the teachers.
  • Students will develop a sense of belonging.
  • Students will draw support from such a group e.g during a time of loss and grief.
  • Students will develop appropriate social skills.
  • Teacher is able to reach the students because they are few.
  • Enhance character development through discussions.
  • Teacher is able to identify students that require attention.
  • Enhance peer counselling.

To achieve the above objectives, the following points are important;

  • Teacher, parent and the students accept and appreciate that family meetings are necessary in guiding students.
  • Teachers to know the members and be able to give information about the members.
  • Students should also know each other well and be able to give information about each other.
  • Members would be required to meet often.
  • Members to come up with activities that can enhance bonding such trips or parties.
  • Peer counsellors in the group should be able to mobilize the members and carry out activities that would enable them to know each other well.
  • The peer counsellors should induct new members effectively.
  • The peer counsellors should keep the teacher parent updated on issues concerning the members.

This department is committed to carrying out the task entrusted to it and be counted in ensuring that the school carries out its vision and mission effectively.

Susan Gitau
Head of Department